What's Rachael Been Up To
Public Health
Dental Hygienist
August 2020, I became a Certified Illinois Public Health Dental Hygienist!
This will allow me to serve more people who otherwise wouldn't receive necessary treatment.
I can now work in a Federally Qualified Health Center, state or local public health facility, Head Start programs, WIC programs for women, infants, and children, or certified school-based health and oral health programs without a dentist being present.

Rig Way Oral Care launched a campaign when Covid-19 hit;
For Every FitsBrush Sold-1 Oral Hygiene Kit would be given to an
essential worker.
Pictured here we dropped off 50 kits to Pinecrest Manor in
Mt. Morris, IL.
The people who work here are AMAZING and have a definite
calling to serve others.
We truly are blessed for them. They all are angels for sure.
God Bless Ya'!
Over several months, hygiene kits were given to nurses, doctors,
store clerks, UPS drivers, postal workers, and of course our
pizza delivery guy.

Some hygiene kits contained a special "Prayer Square" made by my Aunt Millie and her amazing croqueting skills!

Shark Tank

I competed in the 2018 Northern Illinois University EIGERlab's FastPitch Competition in Rockford, Illinois. This is a spin-off of the famous ABC's Shark Tank, but you are only given three minutes to "pitch" your idea or product.
In the first round, presenters delivered their idea or product behind closed doors to a panel of 4 judges who critiqued their presentations and asked follow-up questions.
Fourteen finalists, then moved on to the final round and had to pitch their innovation to a panel of fourteen judges.
I was the WINNER and took home the 1ST PLACE trophy and $5000 with my FitsBrush Toothbrush!
EIGERlab invited me to speak at the 2019 FastPitch Competition about my journey thus far, answer questions from the audience and offer advice for anyone wanting to pursue their product or idea.